Wednesday 15 October 2014

Flash Report! Anaconda Hits The Art Cinema in Hartford on 9/26/14 & Gets an Eyeful!

Doc here, a man who some say once sneezed so hard, it blew 2/3 of his mustache off in 1989.

The Good Doctor welcomes back Anaconda, a regular contributor who has returned back to The Journal for this report, and it's a whopper. 

The scene is Hartford's mighty Art Cinema. The date is Friday 9/26. And The Art was hopping.

Take it away, Anaconda!


Hey Doc,  

Been a while since I've had anything of note to report in my attempts to find some theater action as I travel around the NE and MW.  I finally had some good luck at one of my favorite places to read about on your wonderful blog, The Art Cinema in Hartford.  

I do not get to New England very often and you can bet when I knew I was going to be passing through Hartford on a Friday night I was making plans to spend plenty of time at the Art Cinema and try to get involved in some fun.  Let me tell you, it was a bit of a crazy night!!!  It was this past Friday (9/26) and I rolled in around 6PM.  There was not much going on when I first rolled in, zero couples and only a handful of men.  I settled into a seat and watched the movie for a while waiting for things to pick up.  

Several couples came in and played up in the balcony.  The female half of one couple was particularly attractive.  She was a cute blond with a rockin body.  She put on a show up top with her hubby, and then they decided to make their way down to the main theater with the hungry pack.  The Art Cinema has very well established and well enforced rules around the behavior and actions of single men, kudos!!!  But of course, most will push the limits when a hottie comes down to play.  I gave them plenty of distance, but others tried to get as close as they could, as fast as they could.  No one was particularly aggressive, just anxious and obviously very interested.  The couple didn't seem to mind and made no move to shoo the men away or bolt.  They were clearly here to play and entertain.  

The Art Cinema
Hartford, CT
THEN!!!!  Something crazy happened.  The woman had a seizure.  Several of the men who were closest helped hubby to get her out of the seat and laying down in the aisle, protecting her from hurting herself as the seizure ran its course.  HOLY COW!!!  You couldn't even feel disappointed that the vibe was shot because all you were hoping for at that moment was for her to be ok, and she was.  They left, everyone collected themselves and things got back to normal, and the waiting game was back on.  

Then the moment of truth finally came.  A single gal walked into the main theater, took a seat and immediately had company.  She exchanged some very brief words with one guy then got up and led him over to the extra wide row for more space which she definitely needed because the crowd around her grew....quickly!!!  She stripped naked and started sucking as many cocks as she could, alternating up to 3 at a time.  She loved what she did and she was damn good at it.  Nobody was lasting long as she worked her magic on cock after cock, deepthroating each one to completion.  She probably went through about 15 guys in 20 minutes.  

She picked her favorite guy and spent the next couple hours sitting with him and giving him multiple blowjobs, but never really inviting additional play from other guys, although there were always a few around her hoping for an invite to join in.  Also during those hours a bunch more couples came in, some of them very attractive!!  Unfortunately, none of them came down to play, we only got to watch the show from down on the floor although some of them were kind enough to come right to the front row of the balcony, so we could get a good view.  

I thought we were in for a real treat at one point as the hottest couple of the night actually came down and got about 1/2 way down the aisle before getting rapidly cold feet, doing a quick 180 and heading back to the balcony.  The single gal that had taken on all the guys was still hanging out and I just KNEW she was going to be putting on a second act, we just had to wait it out.  And as you and the other contributors always preach....patience pays off.

She did eventually come back down to the wide aisle strip down and invite all the guys back over for an encore performance.  I was first in line this time for seconds which I had been DYING to get for hours!  I sampled her amazing technique and skill and held out as long as I could, which was a little longer than the first time, but not nearly as long as I would have liked.  

Well, by this time it was almost midnight and things were clearing out and I still had a 2 hour drive to Boston left.  It was by far the most successful night I've had in my limited time in this thing of ours.  I hope my luck continues to get better and better and if it does, I'll definitely be dropping you more reports.



Doc here again... Many thanks to Anaconda for a top shelf report! Well done, sir! I also send my well wishes out to the woman who had the seizure on the main floor. We hope to see you soon at The Art once again.


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