Thursday 9 October 2014

Back to School Party @ The Art Cinema on 9/20/14: Report #6: Amber & Jade Check In from The Balcony

Doc here, a man who some say once placed 5th in the regional finals of the Upstate NY Cannoli Throwing Competition, held at the Chenango County Fairgrounds sometime in the mid-80's. The 5th place finish was disappointing, given his tremendous forearms.
Report #6 from the now-legendary Back to School Party at Hartford's mighty Art Cinema hit the news desk here at The Journal, courtesy of the awesome Amber & Jade
Good readers of The Journal, you are going to like this report...
Take it away, Amber & Jade!

Another fine party at the Art Cinema!
Having had a wonderful time at the Mardi Gras party, Amber and I decided that we would try to attend as many of the Art Cinema parties that we could. So Saturday afternoom we made the couple hour drive to Hartford, had some dinner and arrived to the theater a couple of minutes after 7 PM.

Being truly too sexy for public, Amber donned her sexy school girl outfit in the car before we headed inside. I am absolutely thrilled at the theme choice. Amber ended up with black bra and panties over a black mesh top. Over that she had a white tank top, blazer and both a mini mini “skirt” (1 in) and plaid skirt with thigh highs and platform wedges. I regret not being able to take a picture. Oh well, I’ll just have to convince her to wear it again.

After paying our fare we were lucky enough to receive a couple’s gift bag from the Doc.

Up to the balcony we went. We took our seats on the benches by the stairs. I’m pretty sure those benches are new. Last time I thought there was a padded bench and now it looks like two wooden benches for more room. The benches were an ideal place to be able to see most of the theater and anyone who comes in but at times they are a little crowded with people in the aisle. We dove in to our gift bag. Condom, lube: useful. Glow sticks: cool but bad for night vision like last time. Pencils and pencil holder: themed. Ruler: this could be fun and naughty. The screen played school themed films all night which was just perfect.

The evening started out slower than last time but that didn’t last. This time it looked like all the couples were behaving themselves. The first big highlight was when a girl and Bella were downstairs giving the guys a good time. The first girl had guys surrounding her, touching her, a cock in each hand and her mouth and a guy with his face between her legs making her moan. Bella also had a swarm of guys. All of this action brought almost all the couples to the edge of the balcony to watch. When they returned to their seats there was more action going on.

The Art Cinema
Hartford, CT
Throughout the night there would be much ruler spanking going on. One gentleman I saw brought his own yardstick. His girl was wearing cute pigtails in her outfit and I saw her riding the principal a couple of times during the night.

 As we had only ever played by ourselves before and we both have the fantasy of changing that, we decided the party would be a good place to start slowly. Amber really wanted to watch me being orally pleased by another woman so we reached out to a couple of other couples online and tried to meet them there.

The first half of the evening we spent watching and waiting and getting turned on. Having iced tea at dinner was not a good decision because I had to travel to the men’s room a couple of times during the night. Each time I left Amber would get propositioned by the other men on the balcony. One guy hung out near us hoping to watch some action (and he did eventually see some). Anyway, not sure what happened (maybe the dark) but we didn’t find anyone we chatted with. We’re both quite shy and we’ve never propositioned anyone before so we went back to watching and wondering what to do.

 At this time we were sitting in the row behind the benches. There was an enjoyable amount of action going on around us. There was a curvy black haired woman sucking and enjoying a man whose date was having fun elsewhere. Behind us a woman had a cock thrusting between her breasts. And on the end of the row we were in, a wonderful 40 year old brunette wearing a coat, a tie and a skirt and a younger blonde were enjoying the touch of each other.

Amber was sitting closer than I and was asked if she wanted to join in. Amber, having never touched another woman but always so very,very interested, asked permission and then began to feel D, the brunette’s breasts, and allow her own to be caressed. What a wonderful surprise to the evening! We explained that we have never done anything with another couple and she was very kind and slow. Both her and I caressed Amber, who was thoroughly in pleasure. The guy behind us tried to cop a feel but we brushed his hand away and he returned his focus to his blowjob. Seeing her husband occupied, our new friend asked Amber if it was ok if I could have some attention we replied that it was encouraged. There were two hands on my crotch, two hands on my wife, and two hands and Amber’s mouth on D’s curvy breasts. The tie in her cleavage was a big favorite of Amber’s.

D asked if we were on any swingers’ sites and we mentioned we were and our names. This made her remember a post I had made earlier about our plan for the evening. She asked Amber it it was ok to suck me and upon her approval wasted no time. I rolled on a condom and my second blowjob partner's lips were around my dick. Amber instantly got giddy at the sight. D started slowly, all the while playing with Amber. She was no doubt very talented and experienced and sucked harder and faster. Before long I was filling the condom but she still kept sucking. After I was completely drained, she was merciful and returned her attention to Amber.

After cleaning up, I returned my attention to Amber as well. Our friend’s husband, K,  had finished his business and came to see what we were up to. To our surprise he had his hands on Amber as well but we were comfortable with that. Amber received more pleasure until the heat got to us all. Our friends took a smoke break and I decided to try to have sex with Amber while the images and endorphins were still in our head. I got as hard as I could and pounded her on the edge of the chair but I was already finished from earlier.

We decided to get dressed and head home since about 9:30. Unfortunately we lost our ruler but the pencil holder now has a place on my work desk to remind me of all our fun. We scanned the balcony again and looked over the edge at the single guys waiting to have their turn with some more women down stairs. We headed back to the car and relived the night on our long drive home.

Again, great party Doc and the Art Cinema crew. We will keep coming back for more, it’s worth the drive. If anyone knows of any parties or groups in NY around Albany, let us know at We are interested in making new younger couples and female friends now that we’ve been introduced.



Doc here again... Congrats on another great report from Amber & Jade.  Their descriptions were spot on,  and really captured the essence of the evening. Keep the reports coming in! I enjoyed meeting you, and I cannot wait to get back for more fun at the mighty Art Cinema.


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