Wednesday 1 October 2014

Back to School Party @ The Art Cinema on 9/20/14: Report #5: A Teaser Report from the Craigslist Couple (w/Pic!)

Doc here, a man who some say his mustache matches his carpet, with a Art Cinema "Back to School" teaser report from my good friends The Craigslist Couple.

In the frenzy of activity that was the Back to School Party at the Art Cinema, the frenziest moment for The Good Doctor was an encounter I had in the upper balcony with The Craigslist Couple.

Picture this scene, good readers of The Journal...

In the front row of the upper balcony, Mrs. Craigslist Couple was standing to my left while to my right, tanother was on her knees, sucking Mr. C's Mr. D. With my left arm wrapped around Mrs. C's waist, I was finger fucking her to multiple squirting orgasms that soaked the sleeves of my shirt. The floor was entirely flooded with her lady juice, and made for slippery footing.

Evidence of this crazy scene is captured in the photo at the end of the report.

Without further ado, here is The Craigslist Couple with their teaser report (full report due any day now).




I thought you might amused by this picture that I took (and doctored up a little bit) at the party. If you look closely at the floor, you can see the outline from the tremendous puddle on the floor. I am sure you remember that was from the squirting orgasms you gave Mrs. C. If you look a little closer, you will also notice that the ruler on the floor is totally saturated by the darker color (from being soaked).

Also I just wanted to let you know that I'm finalizing a full report for you and hopefully should be done by this weekend.

Ciao for now!

Mr. C.

As a side note, I just wanted to let you know that the woman who liked to be spanked as referenced in the M&S report from a few days ago was Mrs. C.

The crime scene you see above is from L to R:
A cameo by my shoe, the soaked wooden ruler, 
Mrs. C's high  heel, Mrs. C's panties, Doc apparently
swimming in Mrs. C's lady juice, and Mrs. C's sexy
left leg.

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