Monday 22 September 2014

Back to School Party @ The Art Cinema! Report #1 SpicyWife and Hubby

Doc here, a man who some say once was a pastor of a small church, where all it's members would place their hands inside a box full of meatballs (just to show their devotion), with report #1 on the amazing Back to School Party at Hartford's mighty Art Cinema from this past Saturday evening.

The numbers don't lie: 88 Sexy couples. Dozens of well-behaved and energetic singles. That formula leads to an extraordinary event, and that is exactly what transpired Saturday night.

First up in terms of reports from Saturday night is Journal contributor and exceptional blogger from , the lovely SpicyWife (make sure you check out her blog...It's awesome!).

Here we go!


Hi Doc,

My husband and I finally met you. We kept a low profile and were so surprised at the turnout that we just didn't even think to personally introduce ourselves. We arrived at 7 pm and we were SO impressed! The warm greetings from you and the owner, the gift bags (which we loved!) and the security. The security was especially great for women to give us a sense of security.

We stayed until about 9. We were amazed at the size of the crowd. The couples around us upstairs were all very nice and friendly. We're not into swapping and the lifestyle, but everyone was very respectful of that. It was a little too crowded for us to "get it on," but I did get some nice compliments and allowed a few "feel ups" of my breasts…lol.  

I know this isn't worthy of an update of what went on because nothing that we did really was that wild, but I thought we'd just say "hi" and that we had a great, great time.

Thank you, by the way, for the link on your site to my blog. That's super nice of you! It is SO nice of you to even mention us.

Hope to see you again at the Halloween bash and this time we'll introduce ourselves!

SpicyWife & Hubby 
Doc here again... Many thanks to SpicyWife and Hubby for the report! Yes, you got by me in stealth-mode during the meet and greet (was that you wearing the fake nose and glasses?), but next time we need to formally introduce ourselves, and if you play your cards right, I will teach you the super-secret Lizardo Handshake (make sure you wear comfortable shoes for that lesson - it's tricky).
Were you at the Back to School Party at The Art Cinema? If so, I would love a report from you. E-mail me direct at with Back to School in the subject line. I will edit, format, and doll it up for you.  You supply the report...Fair enough?

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