Thursday 30 April 2015

Mardi Gras at The Art Cinema: Report 1 from The A Team (featuring Milf Kat) w/ 4 New Exclusive Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say goes so far back, he remembers when Moses wore short pants, with Report #1 from Mardi Gras at The Art Cinema on 4/25/15.

My good friends and frequent Journal contributors The A-Team (with the lovely Milf Kat), have submitted the first report from the event, along with 4 smoking hot pics. 

I am also a bit biased, as I spent some quality time with them in the couples balcony at The Art Cinema, and it got wet up there.

I won't spoil how that happened... Let The A-Team tell you themselves! And also enjoy the 4 brand new pics from the event (please click to ENLARGE them)!

Here we go... ENJOY!


Hey Doc,

Once again another fun night at the Art Cinema for the Mardi Gras Party this past Saturday night!

We arrived @ 6:30 to get a good parking spot and it was the last one on the street close by. Once in the couple's only balcony, there were a few couples already there. There was a good flow of couples all evening in the balcony. There were many first timers and newbies present that night,which is a good thing... You can never have to many couples , and its nice to see others getting there feet wet, amongst other things.

After holding off longer then usual, we finally started to get our groove on - too bad the first time of the night does not always last long, but the night was young. We headed downstairs after seeing A-Z Couple go down and figured there was going to be a nice show, and there was. There was a lady that finished getting fucked and since A-Z had her strap-on in place, she stepped in and fucked her some more. Then after she proceeding to take on the boys. 

During this show, another girl from the balcony came down to join...She was a hot younger girl with a tight bod and nice tits and covered in tattoos. Both of those hot girls looked awesome taking care of the crowd. After awhile of watching we headed back up to the balcony for some more playtime. 

I figured the bench would be a good starting point. And it worked out perfectly, cause when we finished up the Doc came by and Milf Kat arranged a g-spot exam! We have to say Doc, that you really know your way around a pussy!!! And inside Everything was soaked... (ed. note: Milf Kat has a magical pussy! Thanks for letting me conduct the exam!)

So, once again a big thanks to the Art Cinema staff and the Doc... Till next time........ 

The A Team. 


Doc here again... Many, many thanks to The A-Team for a great report on the festivities, and for also letting The Good Doctor perform an exam on Milf Kat without them having their insurance cards on them. She is amazing, and the exam was squirt-tastic!


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