Tuesday 12 August 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #8: Brandy is a Bad, Bad Girl w/8 HOT PICS!

Doc here... Hide the children, draw the drapes, and unplug your phone. Brandy is a Bad, Bad Girl has just submitted her #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest Entries.

You knew this was coming, folks. Long time contributor, the uber hardcore Brandy has thrown her tits hat in the ring and has entered the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest with several entries. And it goes without saying, these pics are intense (as all of Brandy's typically are).

So ladies and gentlemen, hang onto your hats... Submitted for your review are the photo entries from Brandy is a Bad, Bad Girl (please click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE them).


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